Cat Intolerance Test
Only $69.95 with results in 3-5 days
Is your cat experiencing adverse symptoms like skin rashes or digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting? Your cat might be suffering from intolerance or sensitivity to a particular food or environmental trigger.
Intolerance is a non-immunologic adverse reaction to food or other substances. To determine if your cat is intolerant to a certain item, the Cat Intolerance Test analyses 143 food and 49 non-food items including milk, salmon, pollen, and others.
List of Food and Non-Food Items Tested for the Cat Intolerance Test
Food Items Tested:
Acid Phospherate | Corned beef | Peanut butter |
Acidophilius | Cottage cheese | Peas |
Agar | Courgette | Pheasant meat |
Almond | Crab | Pig ear |
Apples | Cream | Pig liver |
Artificial bacon flavour | Crisps | Popcorn |
Artificial beef flavour | Duck | Pork |
Artificial cheese flavour | Duck egg | Pork scratchings |
Artificial duck flavour | Egg white | Porridge oats |
Artificial peanut butter flavour | Egg yolk | Potato |
Artificial turkey flavour | Fish oil | Quinoa |
Bacon | Gelatin | Rabbit |
Baked beans | Ginger | Raspberries |
Bananas | Gluten | Raw hide |
Barbecue sauce | Goat | Rice |
Bark | Greek yoghurt | Rye |
Barley | Ground beef | Salad cream |
Beef | Ground chicken | Salmon |
Beef bone | Ground corn | Salt |
Blue Cheese | Ground duck | Sardine |
Bonemeal | Ground lamb | Sodium Acid Phosphate |
Bran | Ground oats | Sour cream |
Bread-granary | Ground turkey | Soy bean meal |
Brie | Ground wheat | Soy flour |
Brown bread | Haddock | Soy sauce |
Brown sauce | Ham | Spring onion |
Brussels sprout | Hare | Squid |
Buckwheat | Honey | Steak |
Butter | Ice cream | Strawberries |
Butternut squash | Lactose | Stuffing |
Butylated Hydroxyaniside (BHA) | Lamb | Sugar |
Butylated Hydroxycoluene (BHT) | Lamb bone | Sunflower oil |
Carob | Leek | Sweet Potato |
Carrots | Lemons | Tomato |
Cheddar cheese | Liver-lamb | Tomato sauce |
Chicken | Maize/corn flour | Trout-sea |
Chicken bone | Mayonnaise | Tuna |
Chicken fat | Milk | Turkey |
Chicken flavour | Milk from goats | Vegetable oil |
Chicken meal | Noodles | Venison |
Clotted cream | Oatmeal | Vinegar-malt |
Coconut | Onion | Wafer |
Coconut oil | Oranges | Wheat |
Cod | Ox liver | White bread |
Cod liver oil | Palm oil | Wood |
Corn | Parsnips | Yeast |
Corn gluten | Pasta | Yoghurt |
Corn syrup | Peanut |
Non-Food Items Tested:
Algae | Colonial Bent Grass | Pampass grass |
Aster | Corn plant | Pine Tree |
Bamboo | Cotton Crop | Pollen |
Bark | Currant Bush | Poplar Tree |
Barley Crop | Dandelion | Rose Plant |
Bee | Deer Epithelium | Rosehips |
Bee pollen | Dust | Rubber |
Beech Tree | Elm (Ulmus Glabra) | Seaweed |
Bermuda Grass | Grass | Squirrel |
Bifidobacterium Animalis | Hawthorn Tree | Stinging Nettle |
Birch Tree | Hazel Tree | Storage Mite |
Blackberry Bush | Leather | Wasp |
Buttercup Flower | Maize (Zea Mays) | Willow Tree |
Cherry Tree | Marigold flowers | Wood |
Chile Pine | Mint | Wool |
Chrysanthemum | Moss | |
Clover | Nylon |

Why Test Your Cat for Intolerances
Similar to people, cats may develop intolerances to certain substances or allergens found in our homes and other common environments.
Some reactions are easier to detect because they manifest as skin rashes or obvious digestive problems. However, some may be more challenging to detect. In the absence of visible symptoms, your cat may experience mood changes or be miserable in general.
Undetected intolerances or sensitivities may negatively affect your pet’s quality of life. These may also lead to serious health problems.

How the Test Works
The Cat Intolerance Test is a laboratory-based genetic test that detects your pet’s sensitivity to common substances that may be present in your home.
To carry out this test, you will only need to provide your cat’s hair samples. The kit, which will be sent to your address after you order the test, contains instructions and the sample container – all you need to collect your pet’s samples.
Please keep the following guidelines in mind to successfully collect your pet’s sample:
- The fur samples should include the root. If this is not possible, try to cut the hair as close to the root as possible.
- If the hair is longer than 1 inch, you only need to provide 5-6 fur strands.
- The samples can be taken from any fur from the body of your cat.
After taking the sample, place it in the bag provided, and write your pet’s name on the label.
You may also include samples of anything you think your pet is sensitive to. These can include samples of your cat’s food, treats, and shampoo as well as other substances like dust or pollen. Please place these samples inside the small green collection tube provided in the kit.
Do NOT place the fur sample in any metallic packaging or metal foil. Place the sample in a secure envelope or postage wallet before sending it back to the laboratory.

What is Included in the Report
After you send your samples back to our laboratory, you can expect to receive the results via email in 3 to 5 business days.
The report contains a comprehensive explanation of the intolerances your cat might have. It also includes a guide to help you eliminate these triggers from your pet’s diet and environment.
NOTE: Your test results only display items with a score of 85% and higher. This is the point where your cat begins to exhibit adverse symptoms and reactions. If the item falls below this threshold, it will not be included in the report.
Some of these intolerances may simply require a change in diet, but some may necessitate medical treatment. Please discuss the results with your veterinarian to determine the best treatment for your pet.
Limitations of the Cat Intolerance Test
Because the Cat Intolerance Test is suitable for cats who are on full adult meals, it is ideal to wait until your pet is at least 6 months old.
Also, since this test does not require blood samples, most drugs would not have an effect on its results. However, if you are concerned about a particular medication or another test, please let us know.
Special Offers and Discounts
The price of a single Cat Intolerance Test is $69.95.
If you plan to purchase multiple tests, you can enjoy a $10 discount per subsequent test. A second or third intolerance test will then only cost $59.95 per test.
Other Cat DNA Tests from AffinityDNA
We also offer a PKD test for cats – a health screening test for your cat to determine if it carries the mutated gene known to cause Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Please click here for more information: PKD Test for Cats.
Finally, we also have the CatCheck (Feline) Genetic Disease Test, which screens for more than 75 genetic diseases, blood groups, and genetic traits common among cats.